Story-Arc > The High, Hard Shaft
La Saga si compone di 6 Storie
01 2003/12 Storia: Hawkeye (2003) #001 s01 Starring: Hawkeye Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The High, Hard Shaft [t] The Hotter, The Better |
02 2004/01 Storia: Hawkeye (2003) #002 s01 Starring: Hawkeye Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The High, Hard Shaft [t] Hits And Mrs. |
03 2004/02 Storia: Hawkeye (2003) #003 s01 Starring: Hawkeye Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The High, Hard Shaft [t] Rat-a-tat-tat |
04 2004/03 Storia: Hawkeye (2003) #004 s01 Starring: Hawkeye Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The High, Hard Shaft [t] Like A Hole In The Head |
05 2004/05 Storia: Hawkeye (2003) #005 s01 Starring: Hawkeye Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The High, Hard Shaft [t] For Your Sins |
06 2004/05 Storia: Hawkeye (2003) #006 s01 Starring: Hawkeye Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The High, Hard Shaft [t] Resurrection |
Bailey Mathius[E-616]Mathius, Bailey
Barney Barton[E-616]Barton, Charles Bernard
Belinda Mathius[E-616]Mathius, Belinda
Hawkeye[E-616]Barton, Clint
Peppermint Candey[E-616]Peppermint Candey
Shing Fu Xue[E-616]Xue, Shing Fu
Trickshot[E-616]Chisholm, Buck
Maryanne Sherbrook[E-616]Sherbrook, Maryanne
Alexander Kreiter[E-616]Kreiter, Alexander
Edwin Jarvis[E-616]Jarvis, Edwin
Goliath [2][E-616]Barton, Clint
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