Story-Arc > The Wild Hunt
La Saga si compone di 4 Storie
01 1992/03 Storia: Death's Head II - The Wild Hunt (1992) #001 s01 Starring: Death's Head Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Wild Hunt [t] Mergers And Acquisitions |
02 1992/04 Storia: Death's Head II - The Wild Hunt (1992) #002 s01 Starring: Death's Head Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Wild Hunt [t] Reed Richards Dies Tonight |
03 1992/05 Storia: Death's Head II - The Wild Hunt (1992) #003 s01 Starring: Death's Head Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Wild Hunt [t] Outlaws |
04 1992/06 Storia: Death's Head II - The Wild Hunt (1992) #004 s01 Starring: Death's Head Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Wild Hunt [t] 2020 Vision |
Iron Man[E-616]Stark, Tony
Thing[E-616]Grimm, Ben
Death's Head II[E-8410]Minion
Eve Necker[E-8410]Necker, Evelyn
Eve Necker[E-8410]Necker, Evelyn
Captain America[E-9939]Rogers, Steven
Punisher[E-9939]Castle, Frank
Death's HeadDeath's Head
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