Apparizioni di [Skrull Soldier] [E-616] nel gruppo SKRULLS [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #1 1983/11 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #011 s01 AVENGERS | Thor [2], AVENGERS | Iron Man, AVENGERS | Captain America
App. #2 1990/08 New Mutants (1983) #092 s01 NEW MUTANTS | Boom Boom [2], NEW MUTANTS | Cannonball [2], NEW MUTANTS | Rictor, NEW MUTANTS | Sunspot, NEW MUTANTS | Wolfsbane
App. #3 1992/03 Invincible Iron Man (1968) #278 s01 | Goliath [2], | Black Knight [5], | Captain America, | Crystal, | Hercules [5], | Sersi
App. #4 1992/03 Mighty Thor (1966) #445 s01 SHI'AR IMPERIUM | Captain Marvel [2], SHI'AR IMPERIUM | Living Lightning
App. #5 1992/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #446 s01
App. #6 1992/05 Wonder Man (1991) #009 s01 | Vision [2], | Wonder Man, | Iron Man, | Hercules [5]
App. #7 1992/05 Avengers (1963) #347 s01
App. #8 1993/02 Avengers West Coast (1989) #091 s01 | Mockingbird
App. #9 1994/10 Silver Surfer Annual (1988) #007 s01 | Morg
App. #10 1996/04 Europa (1996) #000 s02
App. #11 2000/02 X-Men (1991) #097 s01 X-MEN | Beast, X-MEN | Fiz, X-MEN | Marrow, X-MEN | Rogue, X-MEN | Gambit, X-MEN | Colossus [3], X-MEN | Z'Cann, X-MEN | R'Tee
App. #12 2000/02 Uncanny X-Men (1963) #377 s01 X-MEN | Cyclops [3], X-MEN | Professor X, X-MEN | Colossus [3], X-MEN | Storm, X-MEN | Rogue, X-MEN | Beast, X-MEN | Marrow, X-MEN | Bishop, X-MEN | Gambit, X-MEN | Magneto, X-MEN | Fiz, X-MEN | Polaris, X-MEN | Phoenix [5]
App. #13 2008/11 Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008) #005 s01
App. #14 2008/12 Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008) #006 s01 LUMINALS
App. #15 2009/02 Dark Reign - New Nation (2009) #001 s04 | Ryder
App. #16 2009/05 New Avengers: The Reunion (2009) #001 s01
App. #17 2009/05 Secret Warriors (2009) #002 s01 | Baron Strucker
App. #18 2011/09 Captain America (2011) #001 s01
App. #19 2014/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (2013) #015 s01 | Venom [5]
App. #20 2014/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy (2013) #016 s01 | Venom [5]
App. #21 2016/01 Spider-Woman (2016) #001 s01
App. #22 2016/02 Spider-Woman (2016) #002 s01
App. #23 2016/03 Spider-Woman (2016) #003 s01
App. #24 2016/04 Spider-Woman (2016) #004 s01 | Spider-Woman
App. #25 2016/06 Guardians of Infinity (2016) #005 s02 | Rocket Raccoon, | Star Lord [2], | Maxor
App. #26 2017/03 Captain America: Steve Rogers (2016) #009 s01