Apparizioni di Trapster [E-616] nel gruppo FRIGHTFUL FOUR [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #1 1965/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #038 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Wizard, FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing, FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl
App. #2 1965/05 Journey Into Mystery (1952) #116 s01
App. #3 1965/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #039 s01
App. #4 1965/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #041 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Sandman [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing, FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl
App. #5 1965/09 Fantastic Four (1961) #042 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl
App. #6 1965/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #043 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl, FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2]
App. #7 1965/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #045 s01
App. #8 1968/07 Marvel Super-Heroes (1967) #015 s01 INHUMANS ROYAL FAMILY, US ARMY | Medusa [3]
App. #9 1970/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #094 s01 | Agatha Harkness, | Medusa [3], | Mister Fantastic
App. #10 1972/05 Marvel Team-Up (1972) #002 s01 | Annihilus, | Human Torch [2], | Spider-Man
App. #11 1972/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #129 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Medusa [3], FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing
App. #12 1973/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #130 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl, FANTASTIC FOUR | Medusa [3], FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thundra
App. #13 1973/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #133 s01 | Alicia Masters, | Thundra
App. #14 1974/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #148 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2]
App. #15 1976/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #176 s01
App. #16 1976/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #177 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thundra, FANTASTIC FOUR | Tigra
App. #17 1977/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #178 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thundra
App. #18 1978/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #190 s01
App. #19 1980/02 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #039 s01 | Electro [3]
App. #20 1980/03 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #040 s01
App. #21 1980/05 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #042 s01 | Spider-Man
App. #22 1980/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #218 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Spider-Man, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing
App. #23 1981/03 Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #214 s01
App. #24 1981/04 Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #215 s01 | Spider-Man, | Sub-Mariner
App. #25 1987/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #300 s01
App. #26 1993/02 Amazing Spider-Man Children Special (1993) #004 s01 RANGERS | Night Rider [3], RANGERS | Shooting Star, RANGERS | Texas Twister
App. #27 1995/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #400 s01
App. #28 1999/01 Fantastic Four - Fireworks (1999) #001 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2]
App. #29 1999/12 Peter Parker - Spider-Man (1999) #012 s02
App. #30 2000/05 Fantastic Four (1998) #029 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Woman, FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing, FANTASTIC FOUR | Wyatt Wingfoot, FANTASTIC FOUR | Wynona Wingfoot
App. #31 2004/08 Fantastic Four (2003) #514 s01 | Hydro-Man
App. #32 2004/08 Fantastic Four (2003) #515 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Mister Fantastic, FANTASTIC FOUR | Wizard
App. #33 2005/03 Fantastic Four - Foes (2005) #001 s01
App. #34 2005/08 Fantastic Four (2003) #528 s01
App. #35 2007/08 Fantastic Four (2003) #547 s01 | Invisible Woman
App. #36 2007/09 Fantastic Four (2003) #548 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Black Panther [3]
App. #37 2007/10 Fantastic Four (2003) #549 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Woman
App. #38 2010/03 Hulk (2008) #019 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Thing
App. #39 2011/05 Amazing Spider-Man (2003) #657 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2], FANTASTIC FOUR | Invisible Girl, FANTASTIC FOUR | Spider-Man
App. #40 2017/01 Avengers (2017-01) #001.1 s01 | Quicksilver, | Scarlet Witch
App. #41 2017/04 Avengers (2017-01) #004.1 s01 | Scarlet Witch, | Hawkeye
App. #42 2017/05 Avengers (2017-01) #005.1 s01 | Avenger X