Story-Arc > Passing Torch
La Saga si compone di 5 Storie
01 2007/09 Storia: [Mini Marvels (2006)] #[008] s[01] Starring: MINI MARVELS Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Passing Torch [t] [Johnny, We Need To Talk] |
02 2007/10 Storia: [Mini Marvels (2006)] #[009] s[01] Starring: MINI MARVELS Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Passing Torch [t] [Forget It!] |
03 2007/11 Storia: [Mini Marvels (2006)] #[010] s[01] Starring: MINI MARVELS Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Passing Torch [t] [So, Torch...] |
04 2007/12 Storia: [Mini Marvels (2006)] #[011] s[01] Starring: MINI MARVELS Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Passing Torch [t] [Hey, Is It Hot In Here, Or Is It Just Me?] |
05 2008/01 Storia: [Mini Marvels (2006)] #[012] s[01] Starring: MINI MARVELS Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Passing Torch [t] [I Can't Believe The Fantastic Four Kicked Me Out] |
Human Torch[E-99062]Storm, Johnny
Human Torch[E-99062]Storm, Johnny
Invisible Woman[E-99062]Storm, Susan
Thing[E-99062]Grimm, Ben
Mister Fantastic[E-99062]Richards, Reed
Crystal[E-99062]Amaquelin, Crystalia
Firestar[E-99062]Jones, Angelica
Professor X[E-99062]Xavier, Charles
Sunfire[E-99062]Yoshida, Shiro
Captain America[E-99062]Rogers, Steven
Iron Man[E-99062]Stark, Tony
Spider-Man[E-99062]Parker, Peter
Storm[E-99062]Munroe, Ororo
Thor[E-99062]Odinson, Thor
Wasp[E-99062]Van Dyne, Janet
Wolverine[E-99062]Howlett, James
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