Albo > All-New Ghost Rider (2014) #009
All-New Ghost Rider (2014) #009
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Prodotto | Dimensioni | Rilegatura | Cromia | Prezzo |
Albo Cartaceo Classico | Comic-Book [17x26] | Spillato | Colore | 3.99 (Dollari) |
Autori Cover |
Damion Scott / Val Staples |
Published: November 26, 2014
“LEGEND” CO-STARRING JOHNNY BLAZE! • The fight for ROBBIE REYES soul heats up! • Will JOHNNY BLAZE save or destroy him? • What is THE SPIRIT OF ELI MORROW really after?
Sommario Storie
Double / Variant / Back / Flip Covers
Blue-Area - Marvel Continuity Resource