Story-Arc > Love-- And Loss!
La Saga si compone di 5 Storie
01 2009/08 Storia: X-Men Forever (2009) #001 s01 Starring: X-MEN Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Love-- And Loss! |
02 2009/08 Storia: X-Men Forever (2009) #002 s01 Starring: X-MEN Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Love-- And Loss! [t] Comes The Father! |
03 2009/09 Storia: X-Men Forever (2009) #003 s01 Starring: X-MEN Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Love-- And Loss! [t] The Cruellest Cut |
04 2009/09 Storia: X-Men Forever (2009) #004 s01 Starring: X-MEN Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Love-- And Loss! [t] Strike Back! |
05 2009/10 Storia: X-Men Forever (2009) #005 s01 Starring: X-MEN Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Love-- And Loss! [t] Bury My Heart! |
Beast[E-161]McCoy, Henry
Cyclops[E-161]Summers, Scott
Gambit[E-161]Picard, Remy
Jean Grey[E-161]Grey, Jean
Phoenix Force -
Nightcrawler[E-161]Wagner, Kurt
Professor X[E-161]Xavier, Charles
Rogue[E-161]Raven, Anna Marie
Shadowcat[E-161]Pryde, Katherine
Nick Fury[E-161]Fury, Nick
Fabian Cortez[E-161]Cortez, Fabian
Storm[E-161]Munroe, Ororo [R]
Sabretooth[E-161]Creed, Victor
Storm[E-161]Munroe, Ororo [R]
Sabretooth[E-161]Creed, Victor
Mariko Yashida[E-161]Yashida, Mariko
Lil' Ro[E-161]Munroe, Ororo
Lil' Ro[E-161]Munroe, Ororo
Daisy Dugan[E-161]Dugan, Daisy
Gabe Jones Jr.[E-161]Jones, Gabe Jr.
Roy Manelli[E-161]Manelli, Roy
[Consortium Agent][E-161][Consortium Agent]
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