Story-Arc > Chasing Ghosts
La Saga si compone di 3 Storie
01 2005/11 Storia: Wolverine (2003) #033 s01 Starring: Wolverine Titolo: [e] House Of M [c] [s] Chasing Ghosts |
02 2005/12 Storia: Wolverine (2003) #034 s01 Starring: Wolverine Titolo: [e] House Of M [c] [s] Chasing Ghosts |
03 2005/12 Storia: Wolverine (2003) #035 s01 Starring: Wolverine Titolo: [e] House Of M [c] [s] Chasing Ghosts |
Mystique[E-58163]Darkholme, Raven
Wolverine[E-58163]Howlett, James
Sebastian Shaw[E-58163]Shaw, Sebastian
[Mexican Guerrilla Fighter][E-58163][Mexican Guerrilla Fighter]
Devin Price[E-58163]Price, Devin
Paula D'Onofrio[E-58163]D'Onofrio, Paula
Agent Drew[E-58163]Veranke
Earshot[E-58163]Spangler, Travis
Nick Fury[E-58163]Fury, Nicholas
[Resistance Fighter][E-58163][Resistance Fighter]
Wolverine[E-616]Howlett, James
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