Story-Arc > The Thor Wars
La Saga si compone di 3 Storie
01 1991/11 Storia: Mighty Thor (1966) #438 s01 Starring: Thor Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Thor Wars [t] Yesterday Must Die |
02 1991/11 Storia: Mighty Thor (1966) #439 s01 Starring: Thor Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Thor Wars [t] When Hammers Clash |
03 1991/12 Storia: Mighty Thor (1966) #440 s01 Starring: Thor Titolo: [e] [c] [s] The Thor Wars [t] All The Rivers Run |
Bobby Steele[E-616]Steele, Robert
Kevin Masterson[E-616]Masterson, Kevin
Marcy Steele[E-616]Masterson-Steele, Marcy
Gary Paretsky[E-616]Paretsky, Gary
Stellaris[E-616]Princess, Leah
Susan Austin[E-616]Austin, Susan
Thor [5][E-616]Masterson, Eric
4-D Man[E-616]Mercurio
Cobra [3][E-616]Voorhees, Klaus
Executioner [2][E-616]Skurge
Grey Gargoyle[E-616]Duval, Paul Pierre
Jerry Sapristi[E-616]Sapristi, Guido
Loki[E-616]Laufeyson, Loki
Beta Ray Bill[E-616]Beta Ray Bill
Thor [5][E-616]Masterson, Eric
Beta Ray Bill[E-616]Beta Ray Bill
Imperial Leader[E-616]Imperial Leader
Thor[E-8710]Ktor, Dargo
Demonstaff[E-8710]Gorko, Hallan
Salla Ktor[E-8710]Ktor, Salla
Thor[E-8710]Ktor, Dargo
Tomorrow Man[E-6297]Zarrko, Arthur
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