Story-Arc > Valley Forge, Valley Forge
Il titolo completo è: "Valley Forge, Valley Forge: The Slaughter Of A U.S. Marine Garrison And The Birth Of The Punisher"
La Saga si compone di 6 Storie
01 2008/05 Storia: Punisher [Max] (2004) #055 s01 Starring: Punisher Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Valley Forge, Valley Forge |
02 2008/06 Storia: Punisher [Max] (2004) #056 s01 Starring: Punisher Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Valley Forge, Valley Forge |
03 2008/07 Storia: Punisher [Max] (2004) #057 s01 Starring: Punisher Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Valley Forge, Valley Forge |
04 2008/08 Storia: Punisher [Max] (2004) #058 s01 Starring: Punisher Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Valley Forge, Valley Forge |
05 2008/09 Storia: Punisher [Max] (2004) #059 s01 Starring: Punisher Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Valley Forge, Valley Forge |
06 2008/10 Storia: Punisher [Max] (2004) #060 s01 Starring: Punisher Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Valley Forge, Valley Forge |
Bobby Van Abst[E-200111]Van Abst, Bobby
Bradley Landers[E-200111]Landers, Bradley
Don Kent[E-200111]Kent, Don
Jake Farmington[E-200111]Farmington, Jake
Joe Vraein[E-200111]Vraein, Joe
John Archer[E-200111]Archer, John
Kurt Perino[E-200111]Perino, Kurt
Paul Vertraens[E-200111]Vertraens, Paul
Punisher[E-200111]Castle, Frank
George Howe[E-200111]Howe, George
Woody Geller[E-200111]Geller, Woody
Bill McGee[E-200111]McGee, Bill
Lt. Wood[E-200111]Wood, Lt.
Sgt. Giroux[E-200111]Giroux, Sgt.
Sgt. Melinger[E-200111]Melinger, Sgt.
Sgt. Winburn[E-200111]Winburn, Sgt.
Steve Rents[E-200111]Rents, Steve
Tom Stanaway[E-200111]Stanaway, Tom
Woody McDonough[E-200111]McDonough, Woody
Nick Fury[E-200111]Fury, Nick
Arnag Chalikian[E-200111]Chalikian, Arnag
Galina Stenkov[E-200111]Stenkov, Galina
Martin Vanheim[E-200111]Vanheim, Martin
Oksen Chalikian[E-200111]Chalikian, Oksen
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