Story-Arc > Cyberstrike
La Saga si compone di 5 Storie
01 1993/11 Storia: Deathlok (1991) #029 s02 Starring: Deathlok Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Cyberstrike [t] Prologue |
02 1994/01 Storia: Deathlok (1991) #031 s01 Starring: Deathlok Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Cyberstrike [t] Deja Vu |
03 1994/02 Storia: Deathlok (1991) #032 s01 Starring: Deathlok Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Cyberstrike [t] Into The Past |
04 1994/03 Storia: Deathlok (1991) #033 s01 Starring: Deathlok Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Cyberstrike [t] The Ticking Clock |
05 1994/04 Storia: Deathlok (1991) #034 s01 Starring: Deathlok Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Cyberstrike [t] Out Of Time |
Deathlok[E-616]Collins, Michael
Deathlok AI Operating System -
Deathlok [3][E-616]Manning, Luther
Siege[E-616]Kelly, John
Nick Collins[E-616]Collins, Nick
Tracy Collins[E-616]Collins, Tracy
Deathlok [R][3][E-616]Deathlok [R]
Harlan Ryker[E-616]Ryker, Harlan
Scorpion [2][E-616]Gargan, MacDonald
Demolisher[E-7484]Manning, Luther
Timestream[E-7484]Akai, Henry
Luther Manning[E-7484]Manning, Luther
Big Man[E-7484]Big Man
Gentle Sam[E-7484]Gentle Sam
Justice Peace[E-869371]Justice Peace
Blue-Area - Marvel Continuity Resource