Story-Arc > Addict
La Saga si compone di 5 Storie
01 2008/12 Storia: Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch (2008) #001 s01 Starring: Ghost Rider Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Addict [t] How The Mighty Are Fallen |
02 2009/01 Storia: Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch (2008) #002 s01 Starring: Ghost Rider Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Addict [t] Whose Face Gives No Light |
03 2009/02 Storia: Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch (2008) #003 s01 Starring: Ghost Rider Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Addict [t] Pest Control |
04 2009/03 Storia: Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch (2008) #004 s01 Starring: Ghost Rider Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Addict [t] The Jones |
05 2009/04 Storia: Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch (2008) #005 s01 Starring: Ghost Rider Titolo: [e] [c] [s] Addict [t] Chase The Dragon |
Ghost Rider [3][E-616]Ketch, Daniel
Mary Le Bow[E-616]Le Bow, Mary
Mister Eleven[E-616]Mister Eleven
Shoba Mirza[E-616]Mirza, Shoba
Verminus Rex[E-616]Verminus Rex
Barbara Ketch[E-616]Ketch, Barbara
Black Rose[E-616]Simpson, Roxanne
Blackout [2][E-616]Blackout [2]
Doghead[E-616]Fuentes, Francisco "Chio"
Chupi -
Vengeance[E-616]Badilino, Michael
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