Cronologia Originale di Hela [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 100 of 178
Data Serie, Albo e Storia Gruppo Avversari Eventi Chiave Ruolo Presenza
App. 1 1964/03 Journey Into Mystery (1952) #102 s03 | Sif
App. 2 1966/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #133 s02
App. 3 1968/03 Mighty Thor (1966) #150 s01
App. 4 1968/07 Mighty Thor (1966) #154 s01
App. 5 1971/03 Mighty Thor (1966) #186 s01 | Thor [2]
App. 6 1971/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #187 s01
App. 7 1971/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #188 s01
App. 8 1971/06 Mighty Thor (1966) #189 s01
App. 9 1971/07 Mighty Thor (1966) #190 s01 | Odin
App. 10 1972/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #196 s01
App. 11 1972/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #199 s01 | Pluto
App. 12 1972/07 Mighty Thor (1966) #201 s01
App. 13 1976/09 Mighty Thor (1966) #251 s01
App. 14 1976/12 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #005 s01
App. 15 1978/08 Mighty Thor (1966) #274 s01
App. 16 1978/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #277 s01
App. 17 1978/12 Defenders (1972) #066 s01
App. 18 1978/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #278 s01
App. 19 1979/01 Defenders (1972) #067 s01
App. 20 1979/02 Defenders (1972) #068 s01
App. 21 1981/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #312 s02
App. 22 1981/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #313 s02
App. 23 1981/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #314 s02 | Odin
App. 24 1982/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #324 s02
App. 25 1982/11 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #010 s01 | Demogorge
App. 26 1983/01 Incredible Hulk (1968) #279 s01
App. 27 1983/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #328 s01
App. 28 1983/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #331 s01
App. 29 1983/11 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #011 s01 | Sif
App. 30 1985/04 Marvel Graphic Novel (1982) #015 s01
App. 31 1985/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #354 s01 | Thor
App. 32 1985/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #360 s01 DRAUGR
App. 33 1985/11 Marvel Age Annual (1985) #001 s01 | Thor
App. 34 1985/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #361 s01 DRAUGR
| Thor
App. 35 1985/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #362 s01 DRAUGR
| Thor
App. 36 1985/12 New Mutants Special Edition (1985) #001 s01
App. 37 1986/01 Uncanny X-Men Annual (1970) #009 s01 TROLLS, X-MEN | Phoenix [4]
App. 38 1986/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #366 s01 DRAUGR
| Kurse
App. 39 1986/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #367 s01
App. 40 1986/09 Mighty Thor (1966) #371 s01
App. 41 1986/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #372 s01 | Thor
App. 42 1986/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #373 s01 | Thor
App. 43 1986/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #374 s01
App. 44 1987/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #375 s01
App. 45 1987/07 Mephisto Vs Four Heroes (1987) #004 s01 | Mephisto [2]
App. 46 1987/08 Mighty Thor (1966) #382 s01 DRAUGR
| Destroyer Thor
App. 47 1988/10 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #004 s04 DRAUGR
App. 48 1989/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #400 s04
App. 49 1989/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #402 s01
App. 50 1989/07 New Mutants (1983) #077 s01 | Mirage [2]
App. 51 1989/08 New Mutants (1983) #078 s01
App. 52 1989/09 New Mutants (1983) #079 s01
App. 53 1989/10 New Mutants (1983) #080 s01 DRAUGR
App. 54 1989/11 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #014 s03
App. 55 1989/11 New Mutants (1983) #082 s01
App. 56 1989/12 New Mutants (1983) #083 s01 DRAUGR
| Cannonball [2]
App. 57 1989/12 New Mutants (1983) #084 s01 DRAUGR
App. 58 1990/01 New Mutants (1983) #085 s01 DRAUGR
App. 59 1991/11 Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #035 s01 | Doctor Strange [2]
App. 60 1991/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #438 s02
App. 61 1991/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #439 s02
App. 62 1991/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #441 s02
App. 63 1994/07 Mighty Thor (1966) #476 s01
App. 64 1994/08 Mighty Thor (1966) #477 s01
App. 65 1994/11 Incredible Hulk (1968) #423 s01
App. 66 1994/12 Thunderstrike (1993) #015 s01
App. 67 1995/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #485 s01
App. 68 1995/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #486 s01 DRAUGR
| Kurse
App. 70 1995/08 Mighty Thor (1966) #489 s01
App. 71 1996/09 Mighty Thor (1966) #502 s01
App. 72 1997/06 X-Force And Cable Annual (1997) #001 s01
App. 73 1998/07 Mighty Thor (1998) #001 s01
App. 74 1998/08 Mighty Thor (1998) #002 s01
App. 75 1999/07 Mighty Thor (1998) #013 s01
App. 76 1999/09 Fantastic Four (1998) #021 s01 | Bounty [2]
App. 77 2000/01 Domination Factor - Avengers (1999) #003 s01
App. 78 2000/01 X-Force (1991) #098 s01
App. 79 2000/02 Domination Factor - Avengers (1999) #004 s01
App. 80 2000/10 Hellcat (2000) #002 s01
App. 81 2000/11 Hellcat (2000) #003 s01
App. 82 2000/11 Mighty Thor (1998) #029 s01
App. 83 2000/12 Mighty Thor (1998) #030 s01
App. 84 2001/02 Mighty Thor (1998) #032 s01
App. 85 2001/05 Mighty Thor (1998) #035 s01
App. 86 2001/11 Mighty Thor (1998) #041 s01
App. 87 2002/01 Mighty Thor (1998) #043 s01
App. 88 2004/11 Mighty Thor (1998) #084 s01
App. 89 2005/02 Thor - Son Of Asgard (2004) #011 s01 | Sif
App. 90 2005/03 Thor - Son Of Asgard (2004) #012 s01 | Sif
App. 91 2008/01 Thor (2007) #005 s01 Resurrezione/Rientro in Scena
App. 92 2009/01 Thor (2007) #012 s01
App. 93 2009/02 Thor - God-Size Special (2009) #001 s01 DRAUGR
| Lady Loki
App. 94 2009/02 X-Infernus (2009) #001 s01 HELL-LORDS
App. 95 2009/08 Captain Britain and MI-13 Annual (2009) #001 s01
App. 96 2009/10 Dark Avengers (2009) #008 s01
App. 97 2009/10 Uncanny X-Men (1963) #514 s01
App. 98 2010/01 Secret Warriors (2009) #010 s01 ASGARDIAN GODS
App. 99 2010/02 X-Force (2008) #022 s01
App. 100 2010/03 X-Force (2008) #023 s01