Apparizioni di Nikki [E-691] nel gruppo GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY [E-691]
APP# | Data | Apparizione nella Storia | Avversari | |
App. #101 | 2016/04 | Guardians of Infinity (2016) #003 s01 | NEWCOMERS | |
App. #102 | 2016/05 | Guardians of Infinity (2016) #004 s01 | NEWCOMERS | |
App. #103 | 2016/06 | Guardians of Infinity (2016) #005 s01 | NEWCOMERS | |
App. #104 | 2016/07 | Guardians of Infinity (2016) #006 s01 | NEWCOMERS | |
App. #105 | 2016/08 | Guardians of Infinity (2016) #007 s01 | NEWCOMERS | [Newcomers Highbred] | |
App. #106 | 2016/09 | Guardians of Infinity (2016) #008 s01 | NEWCOMERS | |
App. #107 | 2020/03 | Yondu (2020) #004 s01 |