Apparizioni di Nikki [E-691] nel gruppo GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY [E-691]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #1 1976/04 Marvel Presents (1975) #004 s01 BADOON EMPIRE | Karanada
App. #3 1976/08 Marvel Presents (1975) #006 s01
App. #4 1976/10 Marvel Presents (1975) #007 s01 | Topographical Man
App. #5 1976/12 Marvel Presents (1975) #008 s01
App. #6 1977/02 Marvel Presents (1975) #009 s01
App. #7 1977/04 Marvel Presents (1975) #010 s01 REAVERS OF ARCTURUS
App. #8 1977/06 Marvel Presents (1975) #011 s01 REAVERS OF ARCTURUS
App. #9 1977/08 Marvel Presents (1975) #012 s01 | Drylock
App. #10 1977/10 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #006 s01 MASTERS OF MENACE | Grott, MASTERS OF MENACE | Korvac, MASTERS OF MENACE | Tork
App. #11 1978/01 Avengers (1963) #167 s01
App. #12 1978/02 Avengers (1963) #168 s01
App. #13 1978/04 Avengers (1963) #170 s01
App. #14 1978/07 Avengers (1963) #173 s01
App. #15 1978/09 Avengers (1963) #175 s01
App. #16 1978/11 Avengers (1963) #177 s01
App. #17 1979/03 Avengers (1963) #181 s01
App. #18 1979/10 Marvel Team-Up (1972) #086 s01 CORPORATION | Anvil, CORPORATION | Hammer, CORPORATION | Ivor Carson, CORPORATION | Spider-Man
App. #19 1980/03 Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #061 s01
App. #20 1980/11 Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #069 s01
App. #21 1983/01 Avengers (1963) #227 s01
App. #22 1989/10 Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #006 s01
App. #23 1990/06 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #001 s01 | Taserface
App. #24 1990/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #002 s01
App. #25 1990/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #003 s01
App. #26 1990/09 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #004 s01
App. #27 1990/10 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #005 s01
App. #28 1990/11 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #006 s01
App. #29 1990/12 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #007 s01
App. #30 1991/01 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #008 s01
App. #31 1991/02 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #009 s01
App. #32 1991/03 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #010 s01
App. #33 1991/04 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #011 s01
App. #34 1991/05 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #012 s01
App. #35 1991/06 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #013 s01
App. #36 1991/06 Mighty Thor Annual (1966) #016 s02 | Varley
App. #37 1991/06 Fantastic Four Annual (1963) #024 s01
App. #38 1991/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy Annual (1991) #001 s01
App. #39 1991/07 Silver Surfer Annual (1988) #004 s02 | Keeper, | Marshach
App. #40 1991/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #014 s01
App. #41 1991/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #015 s01
App. #42 1991/09 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #016 s01
App. #43 1992/02 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #021 s01
App. #44 1992/03 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #022 s01
App. #45 1992/04 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #023 s01
App. #46 1992/05 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #024 s01
App. #47 1992/06 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #025 s01
App. #48 1992/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy Annual (1991) #002 s01
App. #49 1992/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy Annual (1991) #002 s04
App. #50 1992/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #026 s01
App. #51 1992/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #027 s01 MAGUS' DOPPELGANGERS | Medusa [3]
App. #52 1992/09 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #028 s01 | Yellowjacket [2], | Titania [2], | Doctor Octopus
App. #53 1992/10 Infinity War (1992) #005 s01
App. #54 1992/10 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #029 s01 MAGUS' DOPPELGANGERS | Shocker
App. #55 1992/11 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #030 s01
App. #56 1992/12 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #031 s01
App. #57 1993/01 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #032 s01
App. #58 1993/02 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #033 s01
App. #59 1993/04 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #035 s01
App. #60 1993/05 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #036 s01
App. #61 1993/06 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #037 s01
App. #62 1993/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #038 s01
App. #63 1993/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy Annual (1991) #003 s01
App. #64 1993/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #039 s01
App. #65 1993/09 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #040 s01
App. #66 1993/10 Thor Corps (1993) #002 s01
App. #67 1993/10 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #041 s01
App. #68 1993/11 Thor Corps (1993) #003 s01 ROMAN ARMY | Beta Ray Bill
App. #69 1993/11 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #042 s01
App. #70 1993/12 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #043 s01
App. #71 1994/01 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #044 s01
App. #72 1994/02 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #045 s01
App. #73 1994/03 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #046 s01
App. #74 1994/04 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #047 s01
App. #75 1994/05 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #048 s01
App. #76 1994/06 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #049 s01
App. #77 1994/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #050 s01
App. #78 1994/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy Annual (1991) #004 s01
App. #79 1994/08 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #051 s01
App. #80 1994/09 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #052 s01
App. #81 1994/10 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #053 s01
App. #82 1994/11 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #054 s01
App. #83 1994/12 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #055 s01
App. #84 1995/01 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #056 s01
App. #85 1995/02 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #057 s01
App. #86 1995/03 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #058 s01
App. #87 1995/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy (1990) #062 s02
App. #88 1996/02 New Warriors (1990) #068 s01 | Firestar, | Helix
App. #89 2003/12 JLA / Avengers (2003) #004 s01
App. #90 2010/06 Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008) #025 s01
App. #91 2010/08 Avengers (2010) #002 s01
App. #92 2015/05 Guardians 3000 (2014) #006 s01 A-SENTIENCE
App. #93 2015/06 Guardians 3000 (2014) #007 s01 A-SENTIENCE
App. #94 2015/07 Guardians 3000 (2014) #008 s01 A-SENTIENCE
App. #95 2015/08 Korvac Saga (2015) #001 s01 | Abomination
App. #96 2015/09 Korvac Saga (2015) #002 s01 | [Mindless One]
App. #97 2015/10 Korvac Saga (2015) #003 s01 | Captain Marvel
App. #98 2015/11 Korvac Saga (2015) #004 s01 THORS | Korvac, THORS | Black Widow, THORS | Yellowjacket
App. #99 2016/02 Guardians of Infinity (2016) #001 s01 NEWCOMERS | Drax
App. #100 2016/03 Guardians of Infinity (2016) #002 s01 NEWCOMERS | Colonizer, NEWCOMERS | Skytower
