Apparizioni di Thing [E-616] nel gruppo FANTASTIC FOUR [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #101 1966/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #056 s01 | Klaw
App. #102 1966/12 Uncanny X-Men (1963) #027 s01
App. #103 1966/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #057 s01 | Sandman
App. #104 1967/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #058 s01 | Doctor Doom
App. #105 1967/02 Fantastic Four (1961) #059 s01 | Mister Fantastic
App. #106 1967/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #060 s01 | Doctor Doom
App. #107 1967/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #061 s01 | Sandman
App. #108 1967/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #062 s01
App. #109 1967/05 Strange Tales (1951) #156 s01
App. #110 1967/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #063 s01 | Blastaar, | Sandman
App. #111 1967/07 Avengers (1963) #042 s01
App. #112 1967/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #064 s01 | Sentry 459
App. #113 1967/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #065 s01 KREE EMPIRE | Ronan, KREE EMPIRE | Supreme Intelligence
App. #114 1967/09 Fantastic Four (1961) #066 s01 | Mister Fantastic
App. #115 1967/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #067 s01 ENCLAVE
App. #116 1967/10 Strange Tales (1951) #161 s01
App. #117 1967/11 Fantastic Four Annual (1963) #005 s01 | Psycho-Man
App. #118 1967/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #068 s01 | Mad Thinker
App. #119 1968/02 Fantastic Four (1961) #071 s01 | Human Torch [2], | Mad Thinker's Android, | Mister Fantastic
App. #120 1968/03 Daredevil (1964) #038 s01
App. #121 1968/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #072 s01 US ARMY | Silver Surfer
App. #122 1968/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #073 s01 | Daredevil, | Spider-Man, | Thor [2]
App. #123 1968/05 Sub-Mariner (1968) #001 s01
App. #124 1968/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #074 s01 | Punisher
App. #125 1968/06 Sub-Mariner (1968) #002 s01
App. #126 1968/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #075 s01 | Thing [R][8], | Mister Fantastic [R][3], | Human Torch [2][R]
App. #127 1968/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #076 s01 | Silver Surfer, | Indestructible One
App. #128 1968/08 Silver Surfer (1968) #001 s01
App. #129 1968/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #077 s01 | Psycho-Man
App. #130 1968/09 Fantastic Four (1961) #078 s01
App. #131 1968/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #079 s01 | Android Man
App. #132 1968/11 Amazing Spider-Man Annual (1964) #005 s01
App. #133 1968/11 Fantastic Four Annual (1963) #006 s01 BORERS | Annihilus
App. #134 1968/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #080 s01 | Tomazooma [2]
App. #135 1968/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #081 s01 | Wizard
App. #136 1969/01 Avengers (1963) #060 s01
App. #137 1969/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #082 s01 ALPHA PRIMITIVES | Maximus, ALPHA PRIMITIVES | Zorr
App. #138 1969/02 Nick Fury Agent Of SHIELD (1968) #009 s01
App. #139 1969/02 Fantastic Four (1961) #083 s01 | Maximus, | Xorr
App. #140 1969/03 Nick Fury Agent Of SHIELD (1968) #010 s01
App. #141 1969/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #084 s01 | Doctor Doom
App. #142 1969/03 Incredible Hulk (1968) #113 s01
App. #143 1969/04 Silver Surfer (1968) #005 s01
App. #144 1969/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #085 s01
App. #145 1969/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #086 s01 INVINCIBLE ROBOTS | Doctor Doom, INVINCIBLE ROBOTS | [Invincible Robot]
App. #146 1969/06 Sub-Mariner (1968) #014 s01
App. #147 1969/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #087 s01 | Doctor Doom
App. #148 1969/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #088 s01 | Mole Man
App. #149 1969/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #089 s01 | Mole Man
App. #150 1969/09 Fantastic Four (1961) #090 s01
App. #151 1969/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #091 s01 DEVIANT SKRULLS | Boss Barker, DEVIANT SKRULLS | Slaver, DEVIANT SKRULLS | Taxtor
App. #152 1969/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #092 s01 | Magno-Man, | Napoleon G. Robberson, | Rhinogon, | Torgo
App. #153 1969/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #093 s01 | Torgo
App. #154 1969/12 Incredible Hulk (1968) #122 s01 | Hulk
App. #155 1970/01 Sub-Mariner (1968) #021 s01
App. #156 1970/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #094 s01 FRIGHTFUL FOUR | Wizard
App. #157 1970/01 Incredible Hulk (1968) #123 s01
App. #158 1970/02 Uncanny X-Men (1963) #065 s01
App. #159 1970/02 Fantastic Four (1961) #095 s01 | Monocle
App. #160 1970/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #096 s01 MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Human Torch [2] [R][3], MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Mad Thinker
App. #161 1970/04 Silver Surfer (1968) #015 s01
App. #162 1970/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #097 s01 | Monster From The Lost Lagoon
App. #163 1970/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #098 s01 | Sentry 9168
App. #164 1970/06 Silver Surfer (1968) #017 s01
App. #165 1970/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #099 s01
App. #166 1970/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #100 s01 MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Kang [R][2], MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Mad Thinker, MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Miklho [R], MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Puppet Master, MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Red Ghost [R], MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Sentry 459 [R], MAD THINKER'S ANDROIDS | Sub-Mariner [R]
App. #167 1970/08 Amazing Adventures (1970) #001 s01
App. #168 1970/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #101 s01 MAGGIA | Gimlet
App. #169 1970/09 Amazing Adventures (1970) #002 s01 INHUMANS ROYAL FAMILY | Black Bolt
App. #170 1970/09 Fantastic Four (1961) #102 s01
App. #171 1970/10 Sub-Mariner (1968) #030 s01
App. #172 1970/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #103 s01 | Sub-Mariner
App. #173 1970/11 Avengers (1963) #082 s01
App. #174 1970/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #104 s01
App. #175 1970/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #105 s01
App. #176 1971/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #106 s01
App. #177 1971/02 Fantastic Four (1961) #107 s01
App. #178 1971/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #108 s01 | Nega-Man
App. #179 1971/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #109 s01 | Annihilus
App. #180 1971/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #110 s01
App. #181 1971/07 Avengers (1963) #090 s01
App. #182 1971/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #113 s01
App. #183 1971/09 Avengers (1963) #092 s01
App. #184 1971/09 Fantastic Four (1961) #114 s01 | Overmind
App. #185 1971/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #115 s01 | Mister Fantastic
App. #186 1971/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #116 s01 | Overmind
App. #187 1971/12 Avengers (1963) #094 s01
App. #188 1971/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #117 s01
App. #189 1972/01 Sub-Mariner (1968) #045 s01
App. #190 1972/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #118 s01 | Diablo [2], | Lockjaw
App. #191 1972/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #118 s02
App. #192 1972/02 Fantastic Four (1961) #119 s01 | Klaw, | Nathan Kumalo
App. #193 1972/03 Marvel Team-Up (1972) #001 s01
App. #194 1972/03 Sub-Mariner (1968) #047 s01
App. #195 1972/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #120 s01 HERALDS OF GALACTUS | Air-Walker [R]
App. #196 1972/04 Marvel Premiere (1972) #001 s01
App. #197 1972/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #121 s01 | Air-Walker [R]
App. #198 1972/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #122 s01 | Galactus
App. #199 1972/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #123 s01 US ARMY
App. #200 1972/06 Captain America (1968) #150 s01
