Tutte le apparizioni di Siryn
nella Serie Deadpool (1997) (MARVEL COMICS)

9 apparizioni
Serie Albo Storia
Deadpool (1997) 002 02 Operation: Fat Wacky Doctor's Game
Deadpool (1997) 003 02 Stumped! (Or This Little Piggy Went..... Hey! Where's The Piggy?)
Deadpool (1997) 004 02 Why Is It, To Save Me, I Must Kill You?
Deadpool (1997) 005 01 The Doctor Is Skinned
Deadpool (1997) 012 01 (Or Things To Do In Iowa When You're Deadpool)
Deadpool (1997) 022 01 Great Men
Deadpool (1997) 038 01 Scene One
Deadpool (1997) 056 01 Going Out With A Bang
Deadpool (1997) 061 01 Nuff Said