Tutte le apparizioni di Nanny [2]
nella Serie Hellions (2020) (MARVEL COMICS)
16 apparizioni
Serie | Albo | Storia | ||
Hellions (2020) | 001 | 01 | Let Them Be Snakes | |
Hellions (2020) | 002 | 01 | Blood Work | |
Hellions (2020) | 003 | 01 | Nothing People | |
Hellions (2020) | 004 | 01 | Love Bleeds | |
Hellions (2020) | 007 | 01 | Whetstone | |
Hellions (2020) | 008 | 01 | The Grinning Neonate | |
Hellions (2020) | 009 | 01 | Funny Games 1/3: Level 1 | |
Hellions (2020) | 010 | 01 | Funny Games 2/3: Hitbox | |
Hellions (2020) | 011 | 01 | Funny Games 3/3: Kill Screen | |
Hellions (2020) | 012 | 01 | Hellfire Gala Tie-in: Gatecrashing | |
Hellions (2020) | 013 | 01 | Don't Look Back 1: Weary Travelers | |
Hellions (2020) | 014 | 01 | Don't Look Back 2/3: The Judgment Of Angels | |
Hellions (2020) | 015 | 01 | Don't Look Back 3/3: Fire And Brimstone | |
Hellions (2020) | 016 | 01 | Come Hurt With Us | |
Hellions (2020) | 017 | 01 | Trauma Response | |
Hellions (2020) | 018 | 01 | The Losing End |