Tutte le apparizioni di Grand Commissioner
nella Serie Mighty Thor (1966) (MARVEL COMICS)

14 apparizioni
Serie Albo Storia
Mighty Thor (1966) 132 01 Rigel, Where Gods May Fear To Tread
Mighty Thor (1966) 160 01 And Now, Galactus
Mighty Thor (1966) 162 01 Galactus Is Born
Mighty Thor (1966) 201 01 Resurrection!
Mighty Thor (1966) 216 01 Where Chaos Rules!
Mighty Thor (1966) 217 01 All Swords Against Them
Mighty Thor (1966) 218 01 Where Pass The Black Stars There Also Passes… Death!
Mighty Thor (1966) 219 01 A Galaxy Consumed!
Mighty Thor (1966) 221 01 Hercules Enraged!
Mighty Thor (1966) 406 01 War With Wundagore
Mighty Thor (1966) 407 01 The Menace Of The Living Universe
Mighty Thor (1966) 419 01 The Summons
Mighty Thor (1966) 423 01 The Day Of Their Return
Mighty Thor (1966) 424 01 Let There Be Life