Autore > Alan Davis

Disegnatore nelle Serie

Ordina per Dataordinamento decrescente Ordina per Serie Ordina per Storie
1981/09 Marvel Super-Heroes (1979) 12
1982/01 The Empire Strikes Back Monthly (1980) 2
1982/12 Warrior (1982) 11
1983/01 Daredevils (1983) 12
1983/12 Mighty World Of Marvel (1983) 11
1984/06 Marvelman Special (1984) 1
1985/01 Captain Britain (1985) 14
1985/08 Miracleman (1985) 12
1986/10 New Mutants Annual (1984) 2
1987/01 Uncanny X-Men (1963) 15
1987/09 Uncanny X-Men Annual (1970) 1
1987/12 Excalibur Special Edition - The Sword Is Drawn (1987) 1
1988/10 Excalibur (1988) 35
1989/01 Solo Avengers (1987) 1
1990/12 Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) 1
1990/12 Wolverine: Bloodlust (1990) 1
1994/07 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 1
1994/10 Clandestine (1994) 8
1995/07 X-Men Archives Featuring Captain Britain (1995) 30
1996/10 X-Men - Clandestine (1996) 2
1997/01 X-Man Annual (1996) 1
1998/01 Fantastic Four (1998) 3
1999/03 X-Men (1991) 11
2001/03 Avengers (1998) 7
2002/09 Spider-Man - The Official Movie Adaptation (2002) 1
2002/12 Killraven (2002) 6
2003/03 Mighty Thor (1998) 1
2003/03 Invincible Iron Man (1998) 1
2006/11 Stan Lee Meets Dr. Strange (2006) 1
2007/01 Fantastic Four: The End (2007) 6
2008/04 Clandestine (2008) 5
2008/08 Young Avengers Presents (2008) 1
2008/08 What If? This Was The Fantastic Four #1 (2008) 1
2008/12 Astonishing X-Men - Ghost Boxes (2008) 1
2008/12 Thor - The Truth Of History (2008) 1
2009/11 Dark Reign - The List - X-Men (2009) 1
2010/08 Avengers Prime (2010) 5
2011/03 I Am An Avenger (2010) 1
2011/05 Avengers - Children's Crusade - Young Avengers (2011) 1
2011/11 X-Men: Schism (2011) 1
2012/02 Captain America (2011) 5
2012/09 Fantastic Four Annual (2012) 1
2012/10 Mighty Thor (2011) 4
2012/10 Daredevil Annual (2012) 1
2012/10 Wolverine Annual (2012) 1
2013/05 Wolverine (2013) 10
2014/03 Miracleman (2014) 2
2014/08 Savage Hulk (2014) 4
2015/06 Avengers: Ultron Forever (2015) 1
2015/06 New Avengers: Ultron Forever (2015) 1
2015/07 Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever (2015) 1
2015/09 Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders (2015) 2
2016/05 Infinity Entity (2016) 2
2016/07 Free Comic Book Day 2016 - Civil War II (2016) 1
2016/08 Totally Awesome Hulk (2016) 2
2017/07 Guardians Of The Galaxy: Mother Entropy (2017) 5
2018/04 Thanos Infinity Siblings (2018) 1
2018/08 Captain America (2018-01) 1
2018/12 Thanos: The Infinity Conflict (2018) 1
2019/10 Marvel Comics #1000 (2019) 1
2019/10 Thanos: The Infinity Ending (2019) 1
2019/12 Savage Sword of Conan (2019) 2
2020/05 Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler (2020) 1
2023/03 Avengers: War Across Time (2023) 5
2024/10 Marvel 85th Anniversary Special (2024) 1

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