Autore > Cullen Bunn

Scrittore nelle Serie

Ordina per Dataordinamento decrescente Ordina per Serie Ordina per Storie
2009/10 Immortal Weapons (2009) 1
2010/10 Deadpool 1000 (2010) 1
2010/12 Deadpool Team-Up (2010) 1
2011/05 Captain America (2009) 14
2011/06 Deadpool Family (2011) 1
2011/08 Fear Itself - The Black Widow (2011) 1
2011/08 Fear Itself - The Deep (2011) 4
2011/09 Fear Itself - FF (2011) 1
2011/12 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) 12
2012/01 Battle Scars (2012) 4
2012/05 Spider-Man: Season One (2012) 1
2012/06 Wolverine (2012) 8
2012/07 Venom (2011) 26
2012/09 Captain America (2011) 4
2012/10 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe (2012) 4
2012/12 Minimum Carnage - Alpha (2012) 1
2013/01 Avenging Spider-Man (2012) 2
2013/01 Minimum Carnage - Omega (2013) 1
2013/03 Deadpool Killustrated (2013) 4
2013/04 Fearless Defenders (2013) 13
2013/05 Marvel Universe Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2012) 1
2013/05 Ultimate Comics Wolverine (2013) 4
2013/09 Deadpool Kills Deadpool 4
2013/10 Cable And X-Force (2013) 1
2014/03 Night Of The Living Deadpool (2014) 4
2014/04 Superior Carnage Annual (2014) 1
2014/05 Magneto (2014) 21
2014/06 Deadpool Vs. Carnage (2014) 4
2015/04 Return Of The Living Deadpool (2015) 4
2015/05 Moon Knight (2014) 5
2015/11 House Of M (2015) 3
2016/01 Drax (2016) 7
2016/03 Uncanny X-Men (2016-03) 20
2016/04 Deadpool And The Mercs For Money (2016-04) 5
2016/04 Deadpool (2016) 1
2016/08 Civil War II: X-Men (2016) 4
2016/09 Deadpool And The Mercs For Money (2016-09) 8
2016/12 Deadpool: Back In Black (2016) 3
2017/01 Uncanny X-Men Annual (2017) 1
2017/03 Monsters Unleashed (2017-03) 5
2017/04 Darth Maul (2017) 5
2017/05 X-Men Prime (2017) 1
2017/06 Monsters Unleashed (2017-06) 8
2017/06 X-Men: Blue (2017) 37
2017/09 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again (2017) 5
2017/11 Edge of Venomverse - War Stories (2017) 1
2018/03 X-Men Blue Annual (2018) 1
2018/04 Venom (2017-07) 2
2018/06 Venomized (2018) 5
2018/07 Star Wars Annual (2016) 1
2018/08 Deadpool: Assassin (2018) 6
2018/11 Asgardians of the Galaxy (2018) 10
2018/12 Vault of Spiders (2018) 2
2019/02 Infinity Wars - Infinity Warps (2019) 1
2019/02 Merry X-Men Holiday Special (2019) 1
2019/03 Journey into Unknown Worlds (2019) 1
2019/06 Venom (2018) 3
2019/09 Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre (2019) 1
2019/10 Absolute Carnage: Scream (2019) 3
2019/11 Moon Knight Annual (2019) 1
2023/10 Death of the Venomverse (2023) 5
2024/01 Deadpool: Seven Slaughters (2024) 1

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