Storie scritte da David Lapham per la Serie Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005)

Data Serie, Albo e Storia Titolo Script Pencils Inks Colors Lettering
1 2005/09 Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005) #001 s01 Good Deeds, Bad Seeds David Lapham David Lapham David Lapham
2 2005/09 Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005) #002 s01 The Big Squeeze David Lapham David Lapham David Lapham
3 2005/10 Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005) #003 s01 Victory, Now! David Lapham David Lapham David Lapham
4 2005/11 Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005) #004 s01 Over The Line David Lapham David Lapham David Lapham
5 2005/12 Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005) #005 s01 The Unravelling! David Lapham David Lapham David Lapham
6 2006/01 Daredevil Vs Punisher - Means And Ends (2005) #006 s01 The Second Chance… David Lapham David Lapham David Lapham