Storie inchiostrate da Skottie Young per la Serie What If? This Was The Fantastic Four #1 (2008)

Data Serie, Albo e Storia Titolo Script Pencils Inks Colors Lettering
1 2008/08 What If? This Was The Fantastic Four #1 (2008) #001 s01 All Possible Worlds Jeff Parker Mike Wieringo, Arthur Adams, Mike Allred, Alan Davis, Sanford Greene, Cully Hamner, Stuart Immonen, Casey Jones, Barry Kitson, Humberto Ramos, Paul Renaud, David G. Williams, Skott Young Arthur Adams, Cully Hamner, Barry Kitson, Paul Renaud, Skott Young, Karl Kesel, Nathan Massengill Leanne Hannah, Val Staples Blambot, Nathan Piekos