Cronologia Originale di [Hellfire Club Mercenary] [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29
Data Serie, Albo e Storia Gruppo Avversari Eventi Chiave Ruolo Presenza
App. 1 1980/06 Uncanny X-Men (1963) #134 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Wolverine
App. 2 1983/09 New Mutants (1983) #007 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Psyche
App. 3 1984/06 New Mutants (1983) #016 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 4 1986/03 Firestar (1986) #001 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 5 1986/05 New Mutants (1983) #039 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 6 1987/03 Classic X-Men (1986) #007 s02 HELLFIRE CLUB
| White King
App. 7 1987/07 New Mutants (1983) #053 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 8 1990/04 Captain America (1968) #369 s01 SKELETON CREW | Voice
App. 9 1990/08* Amazing Spider-Man: Spirits Of The Earth (1990) #001 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Hugh Munro [2]
App. 10 1995/11 Generation X Super Special (1995) #001 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Barrington
App. 11 1995/12 Spider-Man Team-Up (1995) #001 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| White King [3]
App. 12 1998/02 Cable (1993) #051 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Master Man
App. 13 1998/03 Cable (1993) #052 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Master Man Omicidio
App. 14 1998/04 Cable (1993) #053 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Cable
App. 15 2009/03 Uncanny X-Men Annual (2006) #002 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 16 2009/08 Uncanny X-Men (1963) #512 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
X-CLUB | Archangel
App. 17 2011/09 X-Men: Schism (2011) #002 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 18 2011/10 X-Men: Schism (2011) #003 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
X-MEN | Oya [2]
App. 19 2013/07 Wolverine & The X-Men (2011) #030 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Marvel Girl [2]
App. 20 2013/08 Wolverine & The X-Men (2011) #031 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Marvel Girl [2]
App. 21 2013/08 Wolverine & The X-Men (2011) #032 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Iceman
App. 22 2016/11 Uncanny X-Men (2016-03) #012 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 23 2017/02 Deadpool (2016) #023 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Deadpool
App. 24 2017/09 Secret Empire: Brave New World (2017) #004 s02 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 25 2017/09 X-Men: Blue (2017) #007 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 26 2017/09 X-Men: Blue (2017) #008 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Danger [2]
App. 27 2017/10 X-Men: Blue (2017) #009 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
App. 28 2023/10 Immortal X-Men (2022) #014 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB
| Sebastian Shaw
App. 29 2023/11 X-Men (2021) #026 s01 HELLFIRE CLUB