Cronologia Originale di Patch [6] [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36
Data Serie, Albo e Storia Gruppo Avversari Eventi Chiave Ruolo Presenza
App. 1 1988/10 Marvel Age Annual (1985) #004 s01
App. 2 1988/11 Wolverine (1988) #001 s01 TELAMBANG PIRATES, CULT OF THE BLACK BLADE | Mei-Yin
App. 3 1988/12 Wolverine (1988) #002 s01 CULT OF THE BLACK BLADE
| Jessica Drew Associazione Gruppo
App. 4 1989/01 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #010 s01 Nuova Identità
App. 5 1989/01 Wolverine (1988) #003 s01 CULT OF THE BLACK BLADE
| Lindsay McCabe Guarigione, Separazione Gruppo
App. 6 1989/02 Wolverine (1988) #004 s01 | Bloodscream
App. 7 1989/03 Wolverine (1988) #005 s01 GENERAL COY'S CARTEL, HARRIERS
App. 8 1989/04 Wolverine (1988) #006 s01 | Roughouse
App. 9 1989/05 Wolverine (1988) #007 s01 MADRIPOORAN STREET GANG | Roughouse
App. 10 1989/06 Wolverine (1988) #008 s01 GENERAL COY'S CARTEL | Mister Fixit
App. 11 1989/07 Wolverine (1988) #009 s01
App. 12 1989/08 Wolverine (1988) #010 s01 MADRIPOORAN STREET GANG | Darylls [2]
App. 13 1989/09 Wolverine (1988) #011 s01
App. 14 1989/09 Wolverine (1988) #012 s01 BA'ALIANS
App. 15 1989/10 Wolverine (1988) #013 s01 BA'ALIANS | Sa-Bal-Bal
App. 16 1989/10 Wolverine (1988) #014 s01 Abbandono Identità
App. 17 1989/11 Captain America (1968) #363 s01
App. 18 1989/11 Wolverine (1988) #016 s01 Nuova Identità
App. 19 1989/12 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #038 s04 HONG KONG STREET GANG, HONG KONG POLICE FORCE | Sgt. Wing
App. 20 1989/12 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #039 s01 | Hsiao
App. 21 1989/12 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #040 s01 | White Shadow
App. 22 1990/01 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #041 s01 Abbandono Identità
App. 23 1990/02 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #043 s01
App. 24 1990/04 Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #047 s01
App. 25 1990/07 Uncanny X-Men Annual (1970) #014 s02 X-MEN
App. 26 1991/07 Nick Fury Agent Of SHIELD (1989) #025 s01 HYDRA | Sergeant Batrei
App. 27 1991/08 Nick Fury Agent Of SHIELD (1989) #026 s01 HYDRA
App. 28 1996/11 Wolverine (1988) #107 s01
App. 29 2006/05 Wolverine (2003) #040 s01
App. 30 2014/12 Death Of Wolverine (2014) #004 s01
App. 31 2017/06 Old Man Logan (2016) #022 s01
App. 32 2017/07 Old Man Logan (2016) #023 s01 YAKUZA | Dragonhead
App. 33 2017/08 X-Men: Blue (2017) #006 s01
App. 34 2021/02 Wolverine: Black, White and Blood (2021) #002 s03 | Soulscream
App. 35 2021/05 Cable (2020) #009 s01
App. 36 2022/04 Elektra: Black, White and Blood (2022) #002 s01