Cronologia Originale di Devos [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28
Data Serie, Albo e Storia Gruppo Avversari Eventi Chiave Ruolo Presenza
App. 1 1991/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #359 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2]
App. 2 1992/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #366 s01
App. 3 1992/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #369 s01
App. 4 1992/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #370 s01
App. 5 1992/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #371 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Human Torch [2]
App. 6 1993/01 Fantastic Four (1961) #372 s01
App. 7 1993/03 Fantastic Four (1961) #374 s01
App. 8 1993/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #377 s01
App. 9 1993/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #378 s01 FEARSOME FOURSOME
FANTASTIC FOUR, WILD PACK | Sandman Associazione Gruppo
App. 10 1993/08 Fantastic Four (1961) #379 s01 FEARSOME FOURSOME
App. 11 1993/11 Fantastic Four (1961) #382 s01 FEARSOME FOURSOME
| Paibok Separazione Gruppo
App. 12 1993/12 Fantastic Four (1961) #383 s01 SKRULLS | Paibok
App. 13 1994/03 Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #005 s01 FEARSOME FOURSOME
App. 14 1994/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #390 s01
App. 15 1994/10 Fantastic Four (1961) #393 s01
App. 16 1995/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #400 s01 FANTASTIC FORCE | Psi-Lord
App. 17 2000/12 Maximum Security (2000) #001 s01
App. 18 2000/12 Maximum Security (2000) #002 s01
App. 19 2001/01 Maximum Security (2000) #003 s01
App. 20 2005/03 Fantastic Four - Foes (2005) #001 s01
App. 21 2005/08 Fantastic Four - Foes (2005) #006 s01
App. 22 2006/07 Annihilation - Ronan (2006) #002 s01 | Talos [2]
App. 23 2006/08 Annihilation - Ronan (2006) #003 s01
App. 24 2006/09 Annihilation - Ronan (2006) #004 s01
App. 25 2010/01 Realm Of Kings - Inhumans (2010) #001 s01
App. 26 2010/02 Realm Of Kings - Inhumans (2010) #002 s01 | Karnak
App. 27 2020/01 Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #011 s01 UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF TRUTH
Nuovo Padrone/Possessore
App. 28 2020/02 Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #012 s01 UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF TRUTH | Drax [R][3]