Cronologia Originale del Gruppo PSYCHO WRAITHS [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Data Storia Storia
1 2014/02 Revolutionary War: Alpha (2014) #001 s01 [e] > [c] Revolutionary War > [s] > [t] Tramp The Dirt Down
2 2014/02 Revolutionary War: Dark Angel (2014) #001 s01 [e] > [c] Revolutionary War > [s] > [t] Girlfriend In A Coma
3 2014/04 Revolutionary War: Death's Head II (2014) #001 s01 [e] > [c] Revolutionary War > [s] > [t] Synchronicity II
4 2014/04 Revolutionary War: Super Soldiers (2014) #001 s01 [e] > [c] Revolutionary War > [s] > [t] Stop The Cavalry
5 2014/05 Revolutionary War: Motormouth (2014) #001 s01 [e] > [c] Revolutionary War > [s] > [t] The Dreams We Have As Children
6 2014/05 Revolutionary War: Omega (2014) #001 s01 [e] > [c] Revolutionary War > [s] > [t] No More Heroes