Cronologia Originale di Lebeau, Remy [E-99062]
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Data | Storia | Storia | Identità | Eventi chiave | |
1 | 2002/02 | Giant-Size Mini-Marvels Starring Spidey (2002) #001 s01 | [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] Paperboy Blues | Gambit | |
2 | 2007/03 | Spider-Man And Power Pack (2007) #003 s02 | [e] > [c] > [s] Civil Wards > [t] Whose Slide Are You On? | Gambit | |
3 | 2008/02 | Iron Man And Power Pack (2008) #002 s02 | [e] > [c] > [s] The Iron Avengers | Gambit | |
4 | 2008/03 | Iron Man And Power Pack (2008) #003 s02 | [e] > [c] > [s] The Iron Avengers > [t] Putting The X-Men In Iron | Gambit |