Cronologia Originale di Barton, Harold [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Data Storia Storia Identità Eventi chiave
1 1988/01 Solo Avengers (1987) #002 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] The Way Of The Arrow Harold Barton
2 2011/04 Hawkeye - Blindspot (2011) #001 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] Sight Unseen Harold Barton
3 2013/09 Hawkeye (2012) #012 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] Harold Barton Morte/Uscita di Scena
4 2014/09 Hawkeye (2012) #019 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] The Stuff What Don't Get Spoke Harold Barton