Cronologia Originale di Philo, Zan [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Data Storia Storia Identità Eventi chiave
1 2009/11 Nova (2007) #029 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] Starstalker Nova Centurion Zan Philo
2 2009/12 Nova (2007) #030 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] Starstalker > [t] Krushed Nova Centurion Zan Philo
3 2010/01 Nova (2007) #031 s01 [e] Realm Of Kings > [c] > [s] > [t] Most Wanted Nova Centurion Zan Philo
4 2010/05 Nova (2007) #035 s01 [e] Realm Of Kings > [c] > [s] Riddle Of The Sphinx > [t] Time Out Nova Centurion Zan Philo
5 2010/06 Nova (2007) #036 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] The Thanos Imperative Nova Centurion Zan Philo