Cronologia Originale di Denton, Alvin [E-616]

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Data Storia Storia Identità Eventi chiave
1 1974/11 Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #006 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] Death Song Of Destiny Alvin Denton
2 1975/01 Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #007 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] Name That Doom Alvin Denton Morte/Uscita di Scena
3 1975/02 Defenders (1972) #020 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] The Woman She Was… Alvin Denton
4 1975/03 Defenders (1972) #021 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] Enter: The Headmen Alvin Denton
5 1976/02 Defenders (1972) #032 s01 [e] > [c] > [s] > [t] Musicals Chairs / 19 Minds Alvin Denton