Cronologia Italiana di Arc [2] [E-616]
2002/04: New X-Men (2001) #123 s01 --- Testament
° 2002/11 °
Incredibili X-Men (1994) #149
(storia completa)
° 2007/09 °
100% Marvel Best - X-Men (2003) #004
(storia completa)
2002/05: New X-Men (2001) #124 s01 --- Superdestroyer
° 2002/12 °
Incredibili X-Men (1994) #150
(storia completa)
° 2007/09 °
100% Marvel Best - X-Men (2003) #004
(storia completa)
° 2014/04 °
Marvel Omnibus (2007) #033
(storia completa)
° 2020/07 °
New X-Men Collection (2020) #002
(storia completa)
° 2025/02 °
Marvel The Legendary Collection (2022) #056
(storia completa)
2002/12: New X-Men (2001) #133 s01 --- Dust
° 2003/09 °
Incredibili X-Men (1994) #159
(storia completa)
-- "POLVERE" |
° 2008/02 °
100% Marvel Best - X-Men (2003) #005
(storia completa)
-- "POLVERE " |
° 2014/04 °
Marvel Omnibus (2007) #033
(storia completa)
-- "POLVERE " |
° 2020/08 °
New X-Men Collection (2020) #003
(storia completa)
-- "POLVERE" |
2009/05: War Of Kings (2009) #001 s01 --- Asunder
° 2010/04 °
Marvel Crossover (1995) #062
(storia completa)
2010/05: Realm Of Kings - Imperial Guard (2010) #005 s01
° 2011/09 °
Marvel Crossover (1995) #070
(storia completa)