Cronologia Italiana di McCoy, Henry

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

2003/11: 1602 (2003) #002 s01 --- In Which Things Begin To Change

° 2004/03 ° 100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #001 (storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE II"

2003/12: 1602 (2003) #003 s01 --- In Which There Is Much To Be Learned And The Queen Is Given A Gift

° 2004/03 ° 100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #001 (storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE III"

2004/01: 1602 (2003) #004 s01 --- In Which Much Is Explained And Things Do Not Always Work Out For The Best

° 2004/03 ° 100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #001 (storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE IV"

2004/02: 1602 (2003) #005 s02 --- In Which A Treacherous Course Is Plotted

° 2004/07 ° 100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #002 (storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE V"

2004/03: 1602 (2003) #006 s01 --- Alarums And Excursions

° 2004/07 ° 100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #002 (storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE VI"

2004/06: 1602 (2003) #008 s01 --- Which We Discover The Way Of The World

° 2004/07 ° 100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #002 (storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE VIII"

2009/10: Spider-Man 1602 (2009) #001 s01 --- [Hoist Them High]

° 2014/01 ° Marvel 1602 Edizione Del Decennale (2014) #001 (storia completa)

2010/02: Spider-Man 1602 (2009) #003 s01 --- [Excuse Moi. Doctor Le Pym?]

° 2014/01 ° Marvel 1602 Edizione Del Decennale (2014) #001 (storia completa)