Cronologia Italiana di Tudor, Elizabeth
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
2003/11: 1602 (2003) #001 s01 --- In Which We Are Introduced To Some Of Our Featured Players
° 2004/03 °
100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #001
(storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE I" |
2003/11: 1602 (2003) #002 s01 --- In Which Things Begin To Change
° 2004/03 °
100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #001
(storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE II" |
2003/12: 1602 (2003) #003 s01 --- In Which There Is Much To Be Learned And The Queen Is Given A Gift
° 2004/03 °
100% Marvel - 1602 (2004) #001
(storia completa)
-- "1602, PARTE III" |