Apparizioni di Enchantress [E-616] nel gruppo ASGARDIAN GODS [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #1 1964/04 Journey Into Mystery (1952) #103 s01 | Thor [2]
App. #2 1964/05 Journey Into Mystery (1952) #104 s01
App. #3 1965/05 Journey Into Mystery (1952) #116 s01 | Jane Foster
App. #4 1981/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #313 s01
App. #5 1984/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #350 s01 FIRE DEMONS OF MUSPELHEIM
App. #6 1985/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #351 s01 FIRE DEMONS OF MUSPELHEIM
App. #7 1985/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #352 s01 FIRE DEMONS OF MUSPELHEIM
App. #8 1985/03 Mighty Thor (1966) #353 s01 FIRE DEMONS OF MUSPELHEIM
App. #9 1985/09 Mighty Thor (1966) #359 s01
App. #10 1985/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #360 s01 | Executioner [2]
App. #11 1985/12 New Mutants Special Edition (1985) #001 s01 NEW MUTANTS | Cannonball [2], NEW MUTANTS | Magma [2], NEW MUTANTS | Cypher, NEW MUTANTS | Wolfsbane, NEW MUTANTS | Warlock [3], NEW MUTANTS | Sunspot, NEW MUTANTS | Mirage [2], NEW MUTANTS | Karma, NEW MUTANTS | Magik
App. #12 1986/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #367 s01
App. #13 1987/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #375 s01
App. #14 1987/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #376 s01
App. #15 1987/03 Mighty Thor (1966) #377 s01
App. #16 1987/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #378 s01
App. #17 1987/05 Mighty Thor (1966) #379 s01
App. #18 1988/07 Mighty Thor (1966) #393 s01
App. #19 1988/12 Mighty Thor (1966) #398 s01 | Seth
App. #20 1989/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #399 s01 | Seth
App. #21 1989/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #400 s01
App. #22 1989/04 Mighty Thor (1966) #402 s01
App. #23 1992/07 Mighty Thor (1966) #449 s01 | Skoll
App. #24 1992/08 Mighty Thor (1966) #450 s01 | Karnilla
App. #25 1992/10 Mighty Thor (1966) #452 s02 | Nightmare
App. #26 1992/11 Mighty Thor (1966) #453 s02
App. #27 1993/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #456 s02
App. #28 1993/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #457 s01
App. #29 1993/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #457 s02
App. #30 1993/01 Mighty Thor (1966) #458 s01 | Thor [5]
App. #31 1993/02 Mighty Thor (1966) #459 s01
App. #32 1993/10 Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #015 s02
App. #33 1997/09 Journey Into Mystery (1996) #512 s01 | Seth
App. #34 1997/10 Journey Into Mystery (1996) #513 s01 DEATH-DEMONS OF THE DUAT | Seth, DEATH-DEMONS OF THE DUAT | Majeston Zelia
App. #35 2008/01 Thor (2007) #005 s01
App. #36 2008/02 Thor (2007) #006 s01
App. #37 2008/06 Thor - Ages Of Thunder (2008) #001 s01 FROST GIANTS | Loki
App. #38 2015/07 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #014 s01
App. #39 2015/08 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #015 s01 DRAUGR | Jormundgandr
App. #40 2015/09 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #016 s01 FROST GIANTS, DRAUGR, TROLLS
App. #41 2017/10 Generations: Mighty Thor & Unworthy Thor (2017) #001 s01