Apparizioni di Punisher [2] [E-616] nel gruppo THUNDERBOLTS [2] [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #1 2013/02 Thunderbolts (2013) #001 s01 MOBSTERS
App. #2 2013/02 Thunderbolts (2013) #002 s01
App. #3 2013/03 Thunderbolts (2013) #003 s01 | Leader
App. #4 2013/04 Thunderbolts (2013) #004 s01 | Madman, | Red Hulk
App. #5 2013/04 Thunderbolts (2013) #005 s01
App. #6 2013/05 Thunderbolts (2013) #006 s01
App. #7 2013/05 Thunderbolts (2013) #007 s01
App. #8 2013/06 Thunderbolts (2013) #008 s01 | Mullah Hassad
App. #9 2013/07 Thunderbolts (2013) #009 s01
App. #10 2013/08 Thunderbolts (2013) #010 s01
App. #11 2013/08 Thunderbolts (2013) #011 s01 | Orestez Natchios
App. #12 2013/09 Thunderbolts (2013) #012 s01 | Orestez Natchios
App. #13 2013/10 Thunderbolts (2013) #014 s01 PAGUROS, MOBSTERS
App. #14 2013/11 Thunderbolts (2013) #015 s01 MOBSTERS
App. #15 2013/12 Thunderbolts (2013) #016 s01 MOBSTERS
App. #16 2013/12 Thunderbolts (2013) #017 s01 MOBSTERS
App. #17 2014/01 Thunderbolts (2013) #018 s01 MOBSTERS
App. #18 2014/02 Thunderbolts Annual (2014) #001 s01 FROST GIANTS | Oberoth M'Gozz
App. #19 2014/02 Thunderbolts (2013) #019 s01
App. #20 2014/03 Deadpool: The Gauntlet (2014) #011 s01 VAMPIRES
App. #21 2014/03 Thunderbolts (2013) #020.NOW s01
App. #22 2014/03 Thunderbolts (2013) #021 s01 | Mercy
App. #23 2014/04 Deadpool: The Gauntlet (2014) #013 s01
App. #24 2014/04 Thunderbolts (2013) #022 s01 | Mercy
App. #25 2014/05 Thunderbolts (2013) #023 s01
App. #26 2014/06 Thunderbolts (2013) #024 s01
App. #27 2014/06 Thunderbolts (2013) #025 s01
App. #28 2014/07 Thunderbolts (2013) #026 s01
App. #29 2014/08 Thunderbolts (2013) #027 s01 | Elektra, | Red Hulk