Apparizioni di Fandral [E-616] nel gruppo WARRIORS THREE [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #201 1997/02 Journey Into Mystery (1996) #506 s01
App. #202 1997/09 Journey Into Mystery (1996) #512 s01
App. #203 1997/10 Journey Into Mystery (1996) #513 s01 | Seth [2], | Majeston Zelia
App. #204 1998/02 Avengers (1998) #001 s01
App. #205 2001/11 Fantastic Four - The World's Greatest Comics Magazine (2001) #010 s01
App. #206 2001/12 Fantastic Four - The World's Greatest Comics Magazine (2001) #011 s01
App. #207 2003/05 Captain Marvel (2002) #007 s01
App. #208 2003/07 Marvel Universe - The End (2003) #005 s01
App. #209 2004/05 Thor - Son Of Asgard (2004) #001 s01
App. #210 2007/09 Thor (2007) #001 s01
App. #211 2007/12 Thor (2007) #004 s01
App. #212 2008/01 Thor (2007) #005 s01
App. #213 2008/05 Thor (2007) #007 s01
App. #214 2008/06 Thor - Ages Of Thunder (2008) #001 s01 FROST GIANTS
App. #215 2008/08 Thor - Reign Of Blood (2008) #001 s01
App. #216 2008/11 Secret Invasion - Thor (2008) #002 s01 SKRULLS
App. #217 2008/11 Thor (2007) #011 s01
App. #218 2008/12 Secret Invasion - Thor (2008) #003 s01 SKRULLS
App. #219 2009/01 Thor - Man Of War (2009) #001 s01 FROST GIANTS
App. #220 2009/01 Thor - Man Of War (2009) #001 s02
App. #221 2009/06 Secret Invasion Aftermath: Beta Ray Bill - The Green Of Eden (2009) #001 s01
App. #222 2009/11 Incredible Hercules (2008) #134 s01
App. #223 2009/12 Incredible Hercules (2008) #136 s01
App. #224 2010/01 Secret Warriors (2009) #010 s01
App. #225 2010/05 Hercules: Fall Of An Avenger (2010) #001 s01
App. #226 2010/06 New Avengers - Finale (2010) #001 s01
App. #227 2010/08 New Avengers (2010) #001 s01
App. #228 2011/01 Warriors Three (2011) #001 s01 TROLLS | Ulik
App. #229 2011/02 Warriors Three (2011) #002 s01 TROLLS | Ulik, TROLLS | Fenris
App. #230 2011/02 Iron Man - Thor (2011) #002 s01
App. #231 2011/02 Thor (2009) #618 s01
App. #232 2011/04 Warriors Three (2011) #003 s01 | Skadihr, | Fenris
App. #233 2011/04 Warriors Three (2011) #004 s01 | Fenris
App. #234 2011/05 Thor (2009) #620.1 s01
App. #235 2011/05 Thor (2009) #621 s01
App. #236 2011/06 Fear Itself (2011) #001 s01
App. #237 2011/06 Mighty Thor (2011) #001 s01
App. #238 2011/06 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #622 s01
App. #239 2011/07 Fear Itself (2011) #002 s01
App. #240 2011/07 Mighty Thor (2011) #002 s01
App. #241 2011/08 Fear Itself (2011) #003 s01
App. #242 2011/08 Mighty Thor (2011) #003 s01
App. #243 2011/08 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #624 s01
App. #244 2011/09 Mighty Thor (2011) #004 s01
App. #245 2011/10 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #626.1 s01
App. #246 2011/11 Mighty Thor (2011) #006 s01
App. #247 2011/12 Fear Itself (2011) #007 s01
App. #248 2011/12 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #630 s01
App. #249 2012/01 Thor: The Deviants Saga (2012) #001 s01
App. #250 2012/01 Fear Itself: Thor (2012) #007.2 s01
App. #251 2012/02 Mighty Thor (2011) #009 s01
App. #252 2012/05 Mighty Thor (2011) #012 s01 TROLLS
App. #253 2012/06 Mighty Thor (2011) #012.1 s01
App. #254 2012/07 New Mutants (2009) #042 s01
App. #255 2012/07 New Mutants (2009) #043 s01
App. #256 2012/07 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #637 s01
App. #257 2012/07 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #638 s01
App. #258 2012/08 Mighty Thor (2011) #016 s01
App. #259 2012/09 Mighty Thor (2011) #017 s01
App. #260 2012/10 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #642 s01
App. #261 2012/11 Mighty Thor (2011) #019 s01
App. #262 2012/11 Mighty Thor (2011) #020 s01
App. #263 2012/11 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #643 s01
App. #264 2012/11 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #644 s01
App. #265 2012/12 Mighty Thor (2011) #021 s01
App. #266 2012/12 Mighty Thor (2011) #022 s01
App. #267 2012/12 New Mutants (2009) #050 s01
App. #268 2013/02 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #647 s01 | Sif
App. #269 2013/06 Journey Into Mystery (2011) #651 s01
App. #270 2013/11 Thor God Of Thunder (2013) #013 s01
App. #271 2013/12 Thor God Of Thunder (2013) #014 s01
App. #272 2014/03 Thor God Of Thunder (2013) #017 s01
App. #273 2014/04 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #001 s01
App. #274 2014/06 Deadpool (2013) #027 s02
App. #275 2014/12 Thor (2014) #001 s01
App. #276 2015/01 Thor (2014) #002 s01
App. #277 2015/02 Angela: Asgard's Assassin (2015) #001 s01
App. #278 2015/02 Thor Annual (2015) #001 s02
App. #279 2015/02 Thor Annual (2015) #001 s03
App. #280 2015/03 Angela: Asgard's Assassin (2015) #002 s01 | Angela [3]
App. #281 2015/03 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #010 s01
App. #282 2015/04 Angela: Asgard's Assassin (2015) #003 s01
App. #283 2015/04 Thor (2014) #005 s01
App. #284 2015/04 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #011 s01
App. #285 2015/06 Angela: Asgard's Assassin (2015) #005 s01
App. #286 2015/07 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #014 s01
App. #287 2015/08 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #015 s01 DRAUGR
App. #288 2015/10 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #017 s01
App. #289 2016/01 S.H.I.E.L.D. (2015) #012 s01 SHIELD | Agent Jemma Simmons, SHIELD | Agent Leo Fitz, SHIELD | Agent Melinda May, SHIELD | Quake, SHIELD | Phil Coulson, SHIELD | Red Dragon [4]
App. #290 2016/11 Deadpool V Gambit (2016) #005 s01 | Fat Cobra, | Loki
App. #291 2017/05 Mighty Thor (2016) #017 s01 SHI'AR IMPERIUM
App. #292 2017/06 Mighty Thor (2016) #018 s01 SHI'AR IMPERIUM
App. #293 2017/07 Mighty Thor (2016) #019 s01
App. #294 2017/10 Thor Where Walk The Frost Giants (2017) #001 s01
App. #295 2017/10 Generations: Mighty Thor & Unworthy Thor (2017) #001 s01
App. #296 2017/12 Mighty Thor (2017) #700 s01 | War Thor, | Volstagg
App. #297 2018/02 Mighty Thor (2017) #702 s01
App. #298 2018/03 Mighty Thor (2017) #703 s01 | Mangog
App. #299 2018/05 Mighty Thor (2017) #705 s01
App. #300 2018/06 Mighty Thor (2017) #706 s01
